Top mature gay bear porn actors

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'And thanks to beautiful for doubling as the US woods. He wteeted: 'Big congrats to her team, amazing cast crew, on wrapping principal photography of COCAINE BEAR! Jimmy Warden has penned the script for the 'character-driven thriller inspired by true events that took place in Kentucky in 1985'.Īccording to a New York Times article in 1985, the bear was found dead among 40 opened containers with traces of cocaine, apparently dropped from a plane by a convicted drug smuggler because he was carrying too heavy a load while parachuting.įilming for the project wrapped in November last year, with co-producer Chris Miller congratulating the director at the time. and more - will be released on February 24, 2023. Universal has confirmed the film - also starring Ray Liotta, Alden Ehrenreich, O'Shea Jackson Jr. The 48-year-old star's upcoming thriller - inspired by the true story of a drug runner's plane crash in 1985 which led to a black bear eating a bag full of cocaine - is set to hit the big screen with a cast featuring the likes of Keri Russell and Margo Martindale.

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Elizabeth Banks' movie 'Cocaine Bear' will be released in 2023.

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